Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Tom Tom Bak Casting and Photoshoot

Hi darlings!

Im updating you guys last weekend's photoshoot. 3 days in row. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Hectic days. Plus, on Saturday we organized casting for Tom Tom Bak Season 5 & 6.

Tak sempat ambil banyak photos pun, sebab sangat sibuk terkejar sana-sini.

The casting goes well, ramai yang turn up, but happened not to take part in casting. Takut agaknya. Hoho.

Here some photos of the day.

Photoshoot in progress.

Casting in progress.

Haaa, Junior sedang casting. But too bad, dia takut!

Casting in progress juga!
P/S : I got lot of photos to upload actually, but still belum organize them. Nanti la ya?

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