Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Panadol TVC, Print & POSM

Hello Deballz,

We will be organizing casting for the below commercial. New talents, please register yourself at www.deballz.com and don't forget to follow our twitter (@deballzmodels) for more update.

Client Panadol
TV Commercial
Casting Date: June 15 / everyday until further notice

Casting Via Composite Card

- You will be selected based on your comcard emailed to producer@deballz.com
Shooting Date: June 26, 2012
Wardrobe Fit: TBC
Usage: TV Commercial
- Malaysia & Indonesia Market
Contract: No contract (2 years usage)
Earning: RM 800 - Grandfather
RM 800 - Son / Father of 2 kids
RM 1,200 - Daughter-in-law / Mother of 2 kids
RM 500 - Little Boy
RM 500 - Little Girl
RM 5,000 - Grandma
Job Brief: 1 x Grandfather
- Pan Malay, Male, 55 yrs old & Above
- TVC only

1 x Son / Father of 2 kids
- Pan Malay, Male, Late 20-s - Early 30s
- TVC only

1 x Daughter-in-law/Mother of 2 kids
- Pan Malay, Female, Late 20-s - Early 30s
- TVC only

1 x Little Boy
- Pan Malay, Male, 7-10 yrs old
- TVC only

1 x Little Girl
- Pan Malay, Female, 2-5 yrs old
- TVC only

1 x Grandma
- Pan Malay, Female, 55 yrs old & Above
- TVC, Outdoor (Prints & POSM) & electronic media
- 1 day shoot

Dress Code for casting
# Ladies : Baju kurung for ladies with tudung or scarf
# Men : Baju Melayu for mens with kopiah or songkok

Script: To Be Confirm
Respond Date: June 13, 2012 (before 6PM)
  1. Talents must send their normal photos, headshots and comcard (for talents without portfolio) to producer@deballz.com


  2. Reply with your model id for talents with active portfolio

  3. Always include your recent contact number, full name and casting date of your choice in your email.

    + Only Shortlisted will be contacted for further casting arrangement.

    + Talents with or without portfolio are encourage to participate.
Details Available at: Twitter @deballzmodels
Blog http://deballz.blogspot.com
Info Mr Harris (Producer 0163494745)
Tel & SMS: 0187147456
Ipad & Iphone i messages - producer@deballz.com